
Tue 8/19 - double, 85 minutes total plus 20 minutes in Walden

AM - 20 minutes easy, Swellesley. The pace on this pre-breakfast jaunt was noticeably quicker than usual, and as a result I went a bit further. Perhaps all the rolling on the hamstring and calf last night had an actual lasting effect, but much less stiff at the outset. Being back from altitude and getting something approximating a decent night's sleep didn't hurt either.

PM - 65 minutes, Lincoln woods plus 20 minutes in Walden and drills on Pine Hill. Some mild underlying level twinges from the right hamstring, likely due to tight piriformis, but otherwise moving well for much of this run. Pickups on the way in after the dip in the pond. Glorious day for being outside, sunny and warm with very little humidity.

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