
Fri 5/29 - off

had an hour block open for a potential run but it wasn't happening due to continuing hip woes. Certainly headed the wrong direction, TMTS or no.


Thu 5/28 - PM 60 minutes easy

Area 51. Felt relatively good for about 45 seconds and then the soreness set in. Another teeth-grinding first 20 minutes followed by a stretch/massage break. Hip not as bad the rest of the way but not good either, never got better than uncomfortable. TMTS I'm afraid. Most of my right thigh continues to feel quite inflamed. Continued dreary overcast, as dismal as this time of year can be. Unseasonably cool temps.


Wed 5/27 - PM 65 minutes very easy

Errand run to Stop+Shop via Conant Road and Pratt's Brook. Bushwhacking through the trackless woods off Knox Trail, not what I had in mind. More superslow jogging on the inflamed right hip. Regressed somewhat from yesterday because I went too far on it obviously. A dreary exercise in pain tolerance for the first 20+ minutes at which point I stopped and did some much-needed stretching and direct pressure on the iliac crest/TFL area which was sore as hell. Much better after this although still not close to being right. As has been the trend lately, the leg feels the best after doing the stretching/strengthening routine post-run, but then stiffens up overnight. Overcast today and much cooler.


Tue 5/26 - PM 75 minutes very easy

Area 51. Less stiffness at the start than any day so far since the resumption of running, although the soreness persisted pretty much throughout. Mainly centered on the TFL/ITB area, from favoring the still-weak adductors I'd guess. Very slow pace a drag but it remains the only option and better than nothing. Much cooler today than the previous few.

Mon 5/25 - AM 60 minutes very easy

Walden woods. Somewhat better than yesterday, not as stiff at the outset and took less time to loosen up from the initial stiffness. Still only able to jog slowly, but the abiding pain in adductor and oblique areas that had been plaguing me as I attempted to run through this thing earlier in the month hasn't returned. First dip in the pond of the season. Quite bracing to say the least. No time for aquajogging however as I had 35 or so miles of cycling left, into Cambridge for lunch via the bike path and then back out later on in the afternoon. The trip back out dragged on, predictably. Bit off a bit more than I should have in that regard, right patellar tendon sore afterwards.

Sun 5/24 - PM 50 minutes very easy

Walden woods. Very stiff and sore to start, limping noticeably esp. on the TFL, but improved markedly as the run progressed. Post-run stretching and core strenghening routine a necessity right now, as it would seem to be all that's keeping me from suffering a sudden regression. Sandwiched the run between two bike rides totaling an hour plus. Very warm today.

Sat 5/23 - PM 50 minutes very easy

Lincoln woods. Hip is of course still inflamed but not to a debilitating degree. Only the slowest possible gear available due to reduced range of motion in the join and continuted inflammation in the area. In the grand scheme of things though, bounced back well from yesterday. Onward and upward, hopefully.

Fri 5/22 - 10 minutes very easy

jogging around the track in the middle of an hour plus bike ride. 4 laps in lane 6, very stiff but not a catastrophe. How it feels tomorrow is of course the test.

5/10-21 off

some days of riding the bike rather aimlessly, other days completely w/o exercise. Hip feeling like garbage all the while, esp. in the mornings. Motivation to do anything about it at a low point.