Sat 4/10 - AM 90 minutes easy
Lincoln woods. The first half was quite relaxed, second half of the run a bit quicker but still comfortable. A bit stale at the start but eventually got to where I felt better than some of the drag-ass efforts earlier in the week. More seasonable conditions i.e. cool and blustery.
Fri 4/9 - off
the afternoon rain killed my already dubious motivation. Head heavy with tiredness, currently in full-on sleep deprived mania and I don't like it one bit.
Thu 4/8 - PM 60 minutes easy
Area 51. Surprised that I was able to get this run done, got home later than I would have liked feeling totally worn out. Forced myself out the door anyway, took some time but eventually felt more alert. Pace mostly easy although it progressed a bit near the end. About 30 degrees cooler than yesterday.
Wed 4/7 - PM 85 minutes incl. 4x2000
jog over to Elm Bank from WHS, 4 reps around the perimeter road with an extra 200 tacked on to make it 2k (actually a bit more, like 40-50m or so), and then crawl back. Still immensely tired, mid-morning caffeine wasn't nearly enough to clear out the cobwebs entirely. It was also 85 degrees or so with a relentless westerly wind. It occurred to me as I was plodding over that I should have gone home, taken a nap, and done this workout on the Longfellow loop closer to sunset. Oh well. With all the extenuating circumstances, the pace of the reps was scaled back quite a bit, to mid 5:40s. The first three reps were all 7:17, the last one 7:08 as I finished with a flourish, relatively speaking. Had some doubts as to whether I'd be able to do all four as I was starting to feel overheated on the third one but it was quite doable. The wind was quite annoying. The soak in the river after the last rep was the best five minutes of my day if not week. Some airway soreness afterward, I was expecting it to be worse.
Wed 4/6 - PM 30 minutes
squeezed in a quick jog around the WMS and WHS campuses after a seemingly neverending HS meet, thankfully no bus trip was involved. Finished with 3x200 and 2x100 on the track, felt fairly smooth and relaxed. Cool still evening, just about perfect.
Mon 4/5 - PM 80 minutes easy/very easy
Out and back from WMS to Echo Bridge mostly along the aqueduct, a run I've been wanting to do for some time. It didn't disappoint, pleasant scenery and mostly flat. Putzed around Hemlock Gorge for a while seeing the sights including the river in its swollen state. Last few minutes of the return trip something of a chore, despite the slow pace I'd had about enough for the day.
Sun 4/4 - AM 85 minutes incl. 10 mile threshold run
4 Longfellow loops, something I wouldn't have thought capable of doing worth a damn as recently as yesterday. In fact, woke up still feeling the blahs and with the sunny breezy conditions and rising temps through the morning I had serious doubts about my ability to hold pace. First two mile splits did nothing to assuage this, figured it would be a tired slog and just to get through it. In hindsight the first loop was a continuation of the warmup as it has been before, maybe more pronounced though. By tghe time I got to the last loop pretty much on autopilot, not trying to increase the pace it just happened. Splits as follows:
tacked on an extra 200m at the end to make it an even 16k. The wind was obnoxious throughout, hard to say if there was a prevailing direction as it seemed to hit me in the face at all points along the course.
tacked on an extra 200m at the end to make it an even 16k. The wind was obnoxious throughout, hard to say if there was a prevailing direction as it seemed to hit me in the face at all points along the course.
Sat 4/3 - AM 80 minutes
Lincoln woods mudfest with the kiddies. Started out very easy and relaxed, mostly by necessity as left hip/SI joint was completely stuck at the start. Worrisome for a few minutes until it did loosen up, which took a load off my mind. Still tired of course but not as bad as it has been of late. Trails a mess in the Flint's Pond area, first half of the run very sloppy. Pace steadily picked up for most of the second half of the run. Warm sunny conditions again.
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