
Fri 2/26 - PM 55 minutes easy

from RLTAC, Muddy River/Jamaica Pond/Jackson Sq. loop in the opposite direction from how I've typically done it before. Forced the issue the first 20 minutes or so before realizing the energy level wasn't there for it, puttered the rest of the way. Directly from run to kiddies' meet, no time to do much stretching. Right calf surprisingly tight. The worst of the storm has passed, but conditions remain dismal.


Thu 2/25 - off

played myself into a corner with the past few days/weeks of being overextended. Apocalyptic rain meant the treadmill was the only option, one I couldn't motivate myself for. Final PT appointment today, at least on this referral. Left SI once again subtly out of whack, needed only a minor adjustment but I wonder if it will reassert itself over time with continued training.


Wed 2/24 - PM 55 minutes incl. 4x1600

20 minute warmup on the treadmill, raining cats and dogs. 1600s of 5:34.8, 5:33.7, 5:33.6, and 5:30.7 with recovery interval around 80 seconds between each. Slightly negative split on each one. I would have liked to do six reps, but desperately tired all day after getting to bed quite late last night. Cut the cooldown back significantly in favor of stretching which has been neglected of late.


Tue 2/23 - PM 65 minutes

20 minute warmup then drills then rabbited a 5:30 mile. 20 or so minutes later rabbited a 600 in 1:53. 3x100 strides before each to get the pace down. 35 minute cooldown after that. Legs felt awful during the day, quads still very tender, thankfully things felt better after 15 minutes of easy jogging on the warmup. Sore spot in right hammie from Sunday that I wasn't expecting.


Mon 2/22 - PM 60 minutes very easy

Levittown. About what I expected, quads pulverized from yesterday and had to take very dainty and short steps early on. Got a little better eventually but never anything quicker than slow. Both iliopsoas much better than they felt after the race yesterday. The caffeine I took before the race took a full 24 hours to wear off, left me dragging big time by late afternoon.


2/21 - AM 70 minutes incl. 10 miles in 58:20

Old Foxborough Ten Miler, the end of one of the densest weeks of training I can remember. Entered the race 10 days ago. After the way the iliopsoas stiffened up after Monday's workout I decided the OFTM would be the OF5k instead, as it didn't seem likely the core could survive such a long effort. Changed my mind back to the 10 miler about 20 minutes before the race started. Very mindful of the need to keep it under control and not force anything, esp. early on. Looking at it as a long workout, although it became a race during the fifth mile. Course was not as hilly as I had imagined it to be, although it did have some roll to it. Got through these without issue. The wind was more of a concern, steady all day from the NW. Spent most of the first half of the race tucked behind people, then struck out for a time, then hung back to let someone else do the work, then tried to press the pace from the 7 mile mark. This ended up being a case of the frog trying to eat the elephant as I was toast at the 9 mile mark, right when the course turned back into the wind one last time. Felt the core start to fatigue around 10k or so, finished and it promptly stiffened up again like on Monday. Although the longer duration and faster pace meant it was more pronounced, making the cooldown a very brief walk/crawl affair. Still, despite the soreness I have a feeling it will bounce back as it did after Monday. Plus by severely curtailing the cooldown I was there for the raffle, in which my number got called. Splits as follows:

6:08 uphill, into the wind
5:51 uphill
5:54 cooked

29:16, 29:02