
Fri 1/11 - PM RLTAC 75 mintues incl. 5x1600

Followed the standard warmup loop with abbreviated drills and strides and then the workout of 5x1600 with one minute recoveries. A glorified tempo run, but not quite. The four minutes of recovery are just enough to break it up some. Made easier by splitting the pacing chores. Aiming to run 5:12, the first half of each one was within a second of 2:36 either way, the last few got into negative split territory as follows:


very much under control which was appreciated, although still a tiring workout due to the length alone. Right leg, mainly calf, got tighter as things went along and was quite wound up by the end. Cooldown was a very easy 25 minutes in the Fens.


Thu 1/10 - PM 30 minutes easy in the Fens

A pre-kiddie meet shakeout. A modest shuffle at best. Skipped out on the second part of the planned double so I could get to bed earlier, a wise move IMO. Right hammie feels stuck, which is somewhat surprising since it didn't yesterday. Hopefully it will be better tomorrow. Third day in a row of unseasonable warmth.


Wed 1/9 - PM 90 minutes easy, Brookline/Boston

Once again from Coolidge Corner, headed over to the river via Harvard Ave and then as far east as Charles Street. Ended up overshooting the mark a bit in terms of the length of the run, but the pace was relaxed all along so it wasn't an undue hardship. Legs stiff and sore but right ankle isn't. Another unnaturally warm day today, but with big SW winds to make things interesting.


Teu 1/8 - 65 minutes, RLTAC incl. 4x1200

Felt a lot better yesterday than today from an energy standpoint, more tired than I thought I would be. Concerned about the right ankle after last night's run-in with a pothole, it was a bit stiff and sore in the morning but loosened up as the day wore on and had no pain while running. Workout was very straightforward, recovery slated for 3:45 but it was more like 3:50. Aiming for 72 pace/3:36, the numbers ended up as:


led out the first 600 of the first two, finished off the last two. Mostly quite even-paced, although the third lap of the last one was blazingly fast and turned my legs to jello. Spent the next 300m recovering from it then regrouped for the final charge, last 400m around 70. Cooldown was very slow, fading fast at that point. Record warmth today which feels especially unnatural given the short daylight and last week's cold snap.


Mon 1/7 - PM 50 minutes, Longfellow Loop

Feeling much more spry today from the first step out the door, had to rein things in a few times so as not to get ahead of myself for tomorrow. Plus I wanted to have something left for the 8 strides I did on the way in. Very dark out, cloudy and no moon, which figured into things when I stepped in a pothole I never even saw at about 20 minutes. No Jones fracture and I got through the rest of the run with only minor twinges but it started getting a bit more sore afterwards. No real noticeable swelling, at least not yet. Will bear watching, not especially looking forward to the first step out of bed tomorrow morning.


Sun 1/6 - AM 60 minutes easy

RLTAC to N. Station and then back along the river via Charles St. and Back Bay. Moving somewhat better than yesterday but still not exactly rolling along. Planned evening run went by the boards as there wasn't time after spending most of the day at the kiddies' meet.