Sat 2/20 - AM 80 minutes very easy
River Street to Mt. Hope, back via rail bed. Seriously slow-paced, given the quick turnaround time from yesterday evening's session. Left psoas tight and sore at the start, but improved over time. More walking breaks. Another sunny, mild, but windy day.
Fri 2/19 - PM 75 minutes incl. 3x3200
Back and forth on the first two miles of the LL 4k loop, 400 jog (just over 2:00) between reps.
Feeling some serious reservations about doing this workout beforehand due to lingering tiredness. Without the forgiving vacation schedule and time to nap, energy levels would have been quite low. As it was still feeling a bit blah. To top it off, left psoas tight and sore on the warmup and doing drills. Decided to give it a go anyways. Started out a bit too quick on the first one but settled into a good rhythm from there on out. Pushed it somewhat the last 600m of the final rep and felt every bit of that when it was all said and done. Core not as sore afterward as it was after Monday's workout, although this one was shorter in duration and had breaks interspersed. Windy all day but it died down for the most part by the time I got out there.
Feeling some serious reservations about doing this workout beforehand due to lingering tiredness. Without the forgiving vacation schedule and time to nap, energy levels would have been quite low. As it was still feeling a bit blah. To top it off, left psoas tight and sore on the warmup and doing drills. Decided to give it a go anyways. Started out a bit too quick on the first one but settled into a good rhythm from there on out. Pushed it somewhat the last 600m of the final rep and felt every bit of that when it was all said and done. Core not as sore afterward as it was after Monday's workout, although this one was shorter in duration and had breaks interspersed. Windy all day but it died down for the most part by the time I got out there.
Thu 2/18 - PM 65 minutes easy
Tiger Drive to Longfellow Loop. Tired and flat, took 20 minutes for me to realize this fact. Pace devolved to a putter soon after that and eventually there was even a walking break. Relatively mild temps but the wind wouldn't let up all day and into the evening. Obnoxious.
Wed 2/17 - PM 80 minutes incl. 16x200
2 sets of 5 then a set of 6 200s with a 90+ second recovery between each rep, 3:30 or so between sets. The proverbial workout that isn't a workout. First set avg. 38, second set around 37, four of the final set were dead on 37. Feeling some trepidation beforehand because the core felt weak and fatigued from Monday. A little wobbly at times during the workout but made it through in one piece. Very tired by the end of the cooldown.
Tue 2/16 - PM 60 minutes easy
Levittown. Daylong snowstorm left the roads in horrible shape even by Maynard standards. Going out with the screw shoes still a better option than slogging it on the treadmill though. Pace started easy and if anything got easier after that. Sore in the core from yesterday's effort, another reason to go easy and not overexert.
Mon 2/15 - PM 75 minutes incl. 12k threshold run
Back to my newly wheel-measured and marked 4k loop (actually 3960m FWIW). 3 loops this time, aiming for 6:30 pace to start then progressively faster within reason. The wind which had been going incessantly for the last 4 days finally slacked off which made it easier. Numbers as follows, 1600/3200/3960:
Definitely reached the limit of uncomfortably sustainable right around 10k, stalled a bit after that but still able to finish the thing off. Maintained the same pace as last week's 8k for half again as far so I'll take it. Iliopsoas area very sore on both sides afterward, length of the effort ensured this. Felt it starting to stiffen up immediately after finishing, felt better on the cooldown but had to take it slow.
Definitely reached the limit of uncomfortably sustainable right around 10k, stalled a bit after that but still able to finish the thing off. Maintained the same pace as last week's 8k for half again as far so I'll take it. Iliopsoas area very sore on both sides afterward, length of the effort ensured this. Felt it starting to stiffen up immediately after finishing, felt better on the cooldown but had to take it slow.
Sat 2/13 - AM 75 minutes; Sun 2/14 - AM 90 minutes
River Street to Mt. Hope via Great Hill, back through Levittown. I had aspirations of going further but it would appear 90' is my limit at the moment. At least given how overextended I've been in terms of sleep lately. Pace of the run started easy and if anything only got easier as time wore on. Finished feeling pretty pooped. Took my chances on some off-road sections and stopped to walk on the most treacherous patches, ever mindful of what happened 11 mos. ago. Sunny with relatively mild temps but a persistently obnoxious wind which made it much more uncomfortable.
Sat 2/13:
Another Saturday morning leading a kiddie's workout. Warmup to the college track, 3k in 12:00, then 8x200 with 400 jog, starting at 44 and ending at 40. the first bit was clockwise, the 200s in the regular direction. Still windy, of course. Legs holding up well to all the track running.
Sat 2/13:
Another Saturday morning leading a kiddie's workout. Warmup to the college track, 3k in 12:00, then 8x200 with 400 jog, starting at 44 and ending at 40. the first bit was clockwise, the 200s in the regular direction. Still windy, of course. Legs holding up well to all the track running.
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