
Fri 8/14 - PM 65 minutes plus 25 minutes in Walden

Yesterday's longer effort had more of an effect on the right leg than I realized, namely in that the adductor and TFL were both locked up. It took me 10 minutes into the run to realize this, very demoralizing at the time. However, I did some much-needed cross fiber friction and the rest of the run felt gradually better after that. Finished feeling much better than at the start. Return to higher temps today, pond was surprisingly low on tourists given this fact.


Thu 8/13 - PM 90 minutes plus 25 minutes in Walden

Better than Monday's longer run, although right leg still stiff the first 30 minutes or so. Feels like progress is being made but it's a long process. Pushed the pace Still overcast and thus a little cooler.


Wed 8/12 - PM 70 minutes plus 24 minutes in Walden

Went a few minutes further than planned, but didn't suffer unduly for it. Right hip and adductor feeling somewhat better, whether it's simply being another day removed from Saturday or the core exercises having an effect remains to be seen. Continued humidity, but 15-20 degrees cooler today with the overcast.


Tue 8/11 - PM 75 minutes plus 25 minutes in Walden

Similar in most respects to yesterday's run down to the heat and humidity which were just as disgusting today. Back and calf both sore on the right side from favoring the hip. Took the first 30 minutes for things to loosen up somewhat. Expanded stretching and strengthening routine continues, such as it is.


Mon 8/10 - PM 90 minutes plus 25 minutes in Walden

Predictably dreary exercise in stultifying heat and humidity. Right adductors tight and sore, eventually the abductors gave out as well. As such, the last 30 minutes I was stumbling on every bump and pebble, always annoying. Overdid it given the weather and recent developments with the leg.


Sun 8/9 - off

perhaps not surprisingly, motivation at a low ebb. In addition the tired feeling that's been around since at least the middle of the vacation was really weighing on me. Went for a meandering bike ride in the afternoon instead. As a change of pace, left adductor was the sore one today. Keeps things interesting to be sure. Right hop not as sore or inflamed as I was expecting it to be.