
Sat 9/18 - AM 60 minutes incl. 5 mile road race

My sandbagging plans went for naught in Greenfield today, based on prior results I figured I could cruise the flat 5 mile course at a sub-maximal pace, slower than what I ended up doing, and take the win. It was not to be. Them's the breaks, of more concern was how terribly sluggish I was throughout and how crappy the left leg felt pretty much from the start. Left ankle, which has been stiff at the outset of many runs lately, was more so today, made for an awkward warmup. For no good reason, I tried keeping up with second place for 1.5 miles which just put me deeper in the hole and aggravated the leg. Gave up that charade and dialed it back from there, but the effort still didn't match the pace and not in a good way. Cooldown was a lot shorter than planned because I couldn't muster the interest to do it quite frankly. The two races in two days gambit looks like it could be a big miscalculation, not looking forward to tomorrow at all when I should be excited for the hometown throwdown.

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