
Sat 7/4 - double, 1:50 total

AM - 60 minutes, up to Birch Point and then back down and across the ridge. Woke up with right adductor feeling sore and tight, as expected after yesterday's sudden jump in volume. It didn't bother me much at all during the run however. The uphill grind and lack of fitness kept the pace slow throughout. Obnoxious rain overnight gave way to a nice morning.

PM - 50 minutes, Norwottuck rail trail. Flat and straight which is just what I wanted. Overdid it again in terms of time spent, remains to be seen how/if I recover from the weekend's efforts. As it was, right leg was okay the first 30 minutes or so as the pace stayed slow, after that I got ucked into get it over with mode and picked up the pace. Paid for this as it aggravated my already fatigued adductor. Legs rubbery overall by the the end. Breezy afternoon.

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