
Mon 7/4 - double, 50 minutes incl. road race plus 45 minutes elliptigo

AM - 50 minutes including 4 mile road race. Return (for the last time) to Bridgton for the race I once won a million years ago. Such an accomplishment made me an invited dignitary for the 40th anniversary edition or else I wouldn't have taken part. Slept very poorly after napping too late yestrerday afternoon and the this made the race a foregone conclusion. To top it off, no chance to warm up with a ceremony I had to take part in. Not that it would have mattered much, I was cooked by the mile mark. Ran like crap and far outside the somewhat arbitrary 22 minute time goal going in. Particularly galling was the inability to run the final mostly downhill mile any faster than the rolling third mile. Hot but dry conditions. The efforst did no favors for the right calf which is still a bit off from the scare last month on the track. Decent cooldown afterward with the CH which was the unquestioned highlight of the morning.

PM - 45 minutes elliptigo. Out and back to Pine Bluff via Winterberry Way. Taking out my frustrations on how the race went, plus trying to get something resembling training volume after doing little to nothing the past two days. 

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