
Mon 8/27 - PM 80 minutes plus 24 minutes in Walden

Felt better during the run than I thought I would after yesterday's race up the mountain and subsequent butt-numbing ride home across northern New England. I did make a point to take it easy early on, with an eye towards going straight recovery throughout if necessary, but the pace quickened gradually anyway after a half hour or so. Moderate windup at the end, which was not something I planned on doing. Post-run my right leg and foot let me know that I probably overreached. Soreness in the hammie, feels like a modest strain, but also in the foot esp. lateral side of the ball of the foot. Pronounced soreness there that only got worse as the evening wore on, eventually becoming painful enough to keep me from enjoying a well-deserved night's rest. Extremely frustrating--both the sore foot and the fact it kept me awake when all I wanted to do was sleep. Warm with gradually increasing humidity, by bedtime it reached stultifying levels.

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