
Sat 6/30 - double, 1:50 total incl. road race plus 20 minutes in the Connecticut

AM - 90 minutes incl. 4 mile road race in Northampton. Apparently and regrettably what might be the last time this particular race is conducted. Feeling predictably tired and stiff after yesterday's run up and down the ridge and the general lack of sleep. Combined with rapidly rising temps I was looking to survive the race in one piece. Made a conscious effort to hold back just a bit the first few minutes. Had three people as company. After the uphill stretch leading to the mile mark that started to string out. I had forgotten about the hill at the start of the second mile, no fun at all, but this served to stretch the field out further. By halfway I was more or less in the clear although I kept the effort going until 300m or so from the finish. Completely unnecessary but better safe than sorry. Decidedly lackluster splits of 5:18, 5:26, 5:27, 5:26. I wish I could say it was a tempo run but that wouldn't be accurate in the least. Definitely in get it over with mode the second half of the race, thankfully no one there to challenge as I wasn't in any kind of condition to put up much of a fight. Very easy cooldown jog to and from the river via rail trail, well after the race had ended. Went for a dip in the river to cool off and found to my disgust there were dead fish everywhere, which shortened that visit.

PM - 20 minutes very easy plus 20 minutes in the Connecticut. Back to the boat ramp, well upstream of the smelly fish kill in Noho. Very slow shakeout then back and forth in the river for a while, Very refreshing after a hot sunny day.

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