
Sat 1/7 - PM 70 minutes

Area 51. First massage in a long time, too long of course. Entire hour was spent on the left calf. It helped to be sure, some knots got addressed that I couldn't really reach myself. The area is still a mess though, and remains quite vulnerable to reinjury with any kind of fast running. Simply put, any contraction of the gastroc while knee and ankle are flexed is inadvisable. So push-off is the problem, nothing new here but it bears pointing out. As for the run, started very gingerly and when I was convinced that jogging was no problem gradually increased the pace until I was hovering right at the edge of danger the last 10 minutes or so. Too dumb to not pick at the scab. Unseasonably warm day, although of course it's the norm for this winter so far.

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