
Sat 1/30 - double, 2 hours total

AM - 75 minutes total. Warmup from WHS to Wellesley College, 3300m @7:20 pace on the track, a minute or so break then 3100m @6:15 pace leading various kiddies in their workouts. Reversed directions from first to second rep. Bitterly cold, wind chill still a factor. No issues with the core while running, but as soon as I stopped, I noticed the left side was barking. It seems like when it comes to faster running in general, longer steady bouts bother the left side, a phenomenon that first presented itself on 1/2. Shorter faster running makes the right side sore where I injured it last March. The good news is that while the left side was sore it wasn't debilitating and didn't lock up on me during the cooldown or afterwards.

PM - 45 minutes easy in Brookline. Left adductor/psoas not a problem at this relaxed speed. Overcast came in and wind cut out, a welcome tradeoff. Still cold.

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