
Fri 11/21 - double, 80 minutes total

AM - 40 minutes very easy, Area 51. Stiff and sore the whole way through. Due to minimal knee lift I was stumbling all over the place, with multiple twinges on right quad near goosefoot which has been an annoyance since just after the Manchester half. Sore throat progressing towards the productive cough stage, always a treat. No wind but bone-chilling cold anyway, fingers frozen most of the way.

PM - 40 minutes, to and from supermarket for OJ plus a loop in Levittown to do strides at the end. Felt somewhat febrile during the day at work, thought about taking the afternoon off but running clears some of the congestion plus I wanted to to strides today. Still cold and wind picked up over the course of the day, not pleasant at all.

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