
Wed 12/12 - PM 70 minutes very easy/easy, Brookline/Boston

Loop from Coolidge Corner to the Fens and along the river before heading back via Comm Ave. Left hip was very sore and awkwardly stiff all day at work. TFL inflamed, limping around on it. Not looking forward to the first five minutes of the run and it was as expected a teeth-gritting experience. The worst of the pain subsided quicker than I thought, although it never loosened up to the point where it felt good. I used the lax ball to find a large area of adhesion/spasm in the left lat muscle near the affected area. Hard to say if this is the root cause of the problems along the iliac crest or just collateral damage. Getting at the crux of the sore area is more problematic, both due to leverage and not wanting to further aggravate a swollen area. The stiffness and soreness in the left iliac crest looks like it will be an ongoing theme with the day after RLTAC workouts. Hopefully it remains manageable with stretching and massage. Chilly evening with a blustery NW wind after a warmer morning and afternoon. More white hell coming tomorrow.

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