
Tue 12/11 - 75 minutes RLTAC incl. 1600, 3(3x400)

Cold rain and icy sidewalks had me inside again for the entire workout. 5k warmup on the treadmill, followed by drills. 1600 went in 4:56 (2:29,2:27) and felt relatively smooth and under control. Last 400 was 73 as I picked it up a bit without undue extra effort. After a five minute jog, the rest of the workout went as follows:

first set: 68.1, 68.8, 67.8

4:30 jog

second set: 72.7, 73, 72.9

4:30 jog

third set: 68.6, 68.4, 68.2

Rest between 400s was the requisite 90 seconds, although I shorted it a bit the second set. These were the numbers I was shooting for going in, and were well-chosen targets. The first set felt surprsingly relaxed, if a bit fast for 3k pace, while the second set was very much under control and felt like 5k pace. All the treadmill running recently has smoothed out my stride as always.

The third set two things happened to keep me from going any faster than 68--cumulative fatigue (first lap of each was slower than in the first set) but also the left hip got sore, right below the iliac crest where various muscles attach. I was able to adjust for it and finish the workout, but it was tender afterward and will likely feel terrible tomorrow. After the first workout indoors last week I was worried this would become a recurrent problem, but things seemed much better following last Friday's workout. Certainly running tight counterclockwise turns isn't the best thing for it. The fact that the soreness wasn't an issue until the third set suggests that faster speeds and fatigue play a role. Short slow 10 minute cooldown on the floor.

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