
Sun 8/19 - double, 2:10 total plus 20 minutes in Walden

AM - just under 100 minutes in Northfield/Winchester on the Gunn Mtn. rollercoaster. Started from the boat ramp, over to Burt Hill, up Schofield Mtn. road and finished going up Bolton Road. Another purposeful effort, like Friday afternoon on a tight schedule. This time it was in order to get home in time to run numerous errands. Legs took a while to de-stiffen, but left psoas wasn't an issue at any time during the run which was a relief. Maintained focus through all three major climbs, never felt overextended. Overall a solid effort although a bit short time-wise for a long run. Cool and overcast conditions made it much easier, had things been like they usually are at this time of year it would have been a lot more challenging.

this morning's route

PM - 30 minutes very easy to and from Walden plus 20 minutes in the pond. Legs not as sore as I would have thought after the ups and downs of the morning. The cooler day serves as a preview of what things will be like a month or so from now, at least on dry land. The pond will be a bit cooler by then. As it was, no problem getting in today.

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