
Sat 8/18 - double, 2:10 total, incl. drills and strides

AM Northfield/Winchester 90 minutes, Staddle Hill to Old Wendell - started from Pauchaug Brook boat ramp, ended at the intersection of Old Wendell and So. Mountain road. Passed through the NMH ghost campus en route. Took a while to get going, bathroom break at 50 minutes and soon after, 20 minutes of climbing up Old Wendell. Once again, a thorough ass-kicking, although the cooler temps this morning made the effort easier.

today's route

PM - 40 minutes out and back on the Norwottuck RT, plus drills and strides on the Amherst football field. Moving very stiffly and slowly at first, the drills helped loosen them up and improve their range of motion. Right hammie locked up as well, got somewhat looser. After the morning run, left psoas twinging and at times feeling quite sore.

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