
Sat 8/25 - double, 1:50 total plus 20 minutes in Walden

AM 80 minutes incl. 6k xc race @Great Brook - nostalgia factor made this one irresistible to me, alas it's just not as fun to race on the Great Brook trails as it is to train (or ski) them. Abysmal conditions didn't help, already warmer at 8:30 AM than it was yesterday evening when I went for my run. Adverse weather dovetailed with feeling pooped out from the past week of training and Tuesday's effort. After a lackluster 20 minute warmup I knew no great effort was forthcoming and so I held back from the start. Still probably ran too hard but I was able to keep it sane. As such I found myself among people I would usually beat like a drum. Course was of indeterminate length, pace/mile calculations on results would indicate it was 3.7 but I would guess closer to 6k. Course included some short steep hills both up and down and it was too early in the morning for me to pick my way down with any kind of alacrity. Long, slow cooldown which mainly involved finding a spot for a dip that wasn't disgustingly scummy. Thankfully I found it eventually, the best part of the morning by far.

PM 30 minutes very easy to and from the pond plus 20 minutes in the pond. Went as late as possible, in fact sun had set by the time I got out of the water. Conditions improved marginally over earlier in the day but only due to the sun setting, and still disgusting by any measure. SW breeze created annoying current that almost pushed me into the shore.

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