
Tue 7/24 - double, 90 minutes incl. Lowell 5k in 16:30

AM - 30 minutes easy. Moving along fairly well for a morning run and then sputtered a bit with a sudden sense of fatigue near the end. Definitely not quite out from underneath the past weekend just yet.

PM - 60 minutes total in Lowell, incl. the 5k in 16:30. Actual time was 21 seconds slower than that due to a brief detour just after 2m for a mystery envelope which ended up having a dollar in it. Whoop-de-damn-do. An interesting wrinkle though, and I was the only one in the top five to go for it. Regrettably I did ding my left ankle going off the road, the roll in February compromised it. Splits of 5:12, 5:11 and then 5:36 (5:57 counting the detour). Effort felt quite similar to Saturday, relaxed the first mile, pushing it the second mile and then a bit of a fade. Very slow cooldown. Warm, dry, some breeze but overall a nice evening, not too humid.

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