
Mon 7/23 - double, 1:30 total, all of it quite easy

AM - 40 minutes, woke up with a few very stiff steps out of bed but not as bad as I initially thought. Legs not so much sore but still feeling flat overall, carryover from yesterday afternoon. Kept the effort quite mellow as a result.

PM - 50 minutes, Lincoln woods. Similar to the morning, a little more awake of course. Wanted to do some strides, legs actually feeling up to it, but still too tired. Waiting for the souffle to rise again after the weekend's efforts and it won't be rushed. Also wanted to do some time in the pond but it was too late after spending the afternoon in the city, incl. a fair amount of walking. Cooler in the afternoon than it was this morning, very cool in fact, drizzling much of the day.

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