
Thu 7/26 - double, 2 hours total in Flagstaff

AM - 65 minutes, Buffalo Park to Oldham. Slept maybe 4 hours after getting in late following the flight out, this after the previous night where I slept maybe two hours. At a loss to understand how I was even conscious, but I'm sure getting out at 7 AM MST has something to do with the fact my body still thinks it's 10 AM. Delightful cool dry morning, familiar hypoxic feeling on the uphills. Finished with a small pickup. Left ankle still giving me problems after rolling it slightly Tuesday.

PM - 55 minutes very easy, Campbell Mesa. Feeling the travel-related exhaustion a bit more, maybe the altitude, probably both. Legs feel odd, not heavy but very weak and lifeless. Had to back off on the pace a couple of times. Despite all this, able to get in six short strides at the end on the dirt road near the trailhead. Emphasis on short. Breezy afternoon.

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