
Mon 8/4 - double, 70 minutes total plus 15 minutes in Walden

AM - 20 minutes very easy, Swellesley. Quite creaky, more so than usual. Stiff in places both usual (right calf) and unusual (left instep and SI joint). The former from yesterday's race, the latter from the elliptigo I have to guess. Not exactly what I was expecting but I suppose the movement pattern is different enough to put stress on different areas.

PM - 50 minutes very easy plus 15 minutes in Walden. What became clear over the course of the day at work was that the right calf is absolutely shredded at the moment. Even more clear after the first 10 minutes of this run. It was barely a run at times, thanks to the area being borderline non-functional. No choice but to take it quite easy. Less time to spend in the pond than I'd like due to a scheduled appointment, a bummer as the weather has turned steamy again and the pond was just the respite I needed.

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