
Mon 6/30 - double, 1:40 total very easy plus 20 minutes in Walden

AM - 20 minutes very easy, Swellesley. The building heat was already perceptible by 6:45. Right calf close to useless after yesterday's race in spikes. First couple of minutes were not a pretty sight.

PM - 80 minutes very easy, Lincoln woods plus 20 minutes in Walden. Barely able to move so the run, such as it was, was extremely low key. Very relaxed at least. Calf certainly took the brunt of yesterday, more sore and tender than what I was expecting and I was expecting it to feel pretty bad. Picked up a cloud of black flies that are annoying albeit not biting. I don't remember this particular species from last year at this time. Deer flies not yet out apparently.

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