
Wed 7/18 - PM 90 minutes plus 15 minutes in Walden

At last, some relief from the insufferable heat and humidity as t-storms rolled through early in the afternoon. Dropped the temperature a good 15-20 degrees, although the mugginess of course stuck around which was something of a bummer. Started off easy, gathered steam gradually to the stopping point which was a bit more than 65 minutes in. At this point another line of showers was moving in and making the sky impressively dark along with thunder rumbling in the distance. As such I wasn't inclined to spend too long in the water. The final run back to the parking lot started slowly, then decided to throw in some pickups that were going to be short but ended up being longer than that. Some twinging in the right calf from yesterday's hill drills in all likelihood, right hammie still feeling a bit off as well, but nothing that's incapacitating.

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