
Mon 1/30 - PM 65 minutes

Area 51. A qualified success considering I was doubtful whether or not I should run at all after yesterday's frustrating outing. Unlike most days, I spent much of my time at work standing or walking around as opposed to sitting in a chair. I think this helped prevent some of the tightness from developing in the calves. Still, started out somewhat gingerly. Once I felt like the calf wasn't going to go on me the pace dropped, except for negotiating particularly icy patches. This kept up until close to the end when the muscle became fatigued, suddenly and quite obviously. Once it reached its limit it stiffened up a lot and that was that, jogged it in again. More rolling and such afteward, the whole belly of the muscle a tender spot, but I do feel like I just might be getting a handle on how it responds to varying degrees of stress. Time spent is a definite factor, something that hadn't really occurred to me. Strong NW winds all day, which died down to a large extent after sunset.

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