
Sun 9/25 - PM 65 minutes easy plus 20 minutes in Walden

I had much grander plans for today, but it wasn't to be. Decided weeks ago this would be a good day for a long marathon pace run on the Longfellow loop, but far too tired from the past two days of travel and crushingly long days to make it happen. Planned to go in the morning, but barely awake after breakfast and ended up going back to bed. Pushed it back to the evening, but after a second nap in the mid-afternoon still feeling the telltale signs of underlying fatigue. Had I realized sooner it was a no-go I could have gotten on with things and done the easy run in the woods with more daylight, but I was holding out hope to feel better after resting all day. Didn't happen, alas. Took solace in jogging in the woods, serenaded by various barred owls. Left hammie still off, has to be related to the SI joint on that side which has been feeling somewhat stuck lately. Less than ideal conditions, humidity still going strong. Bad enough that it would have made any hard effort today that much worse. Pond is noticeably cooler than the last time I was able to get to it a couple of weeks back, refreshing after 40 minutes of slogging in thick air.

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