
Sat 5/7 - AM 80 minutes

In Hanover NH, stopping on the way to Montreal, thought it might be fun to run along the AT for a stretch. Should have known better. Ran what felt like the longest 4 miles of my life, certainly among the rockiest and steepest, before finally reaching the haven of a paved road and taking it back to town. More up than down in the woods, as evidenced by the long, long, downhill in the last 10 minutes. From the chunks of the trail I've been on--admittedly a very small sample--it sure seems like the designers went out of their way to pick the path of most resistance. The part that was so steep that there was a climbing rope tied to a nearby tree was not totally surprising in that context. So steep in places I could barely run, not the best thing for the legs on the way down. Slipping and stumbling on muddy rocky surfaces, etc. Legs more fried than I would have preferred, but again, should have known better.

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