
Sat 1/2 - AM 80 minutes

Comm Ave from Auburndale to Chestnut Hill Reservoir, back on Beacon through Newton Centre to Walnut St. then back over to Comm. Pace gradually picked up over the first 60 minutes at which point I was done, jogged it in from there under some duress. Conditions miserable as the run occurred during a driving snowstorm, poor visibility but more importantly poor footing. The length and eventual intensity of the run was pushing it a bit but would have been manageable had it not been for the added difficulty of trying to get traction on a thin layer of frozen slush that covered much of the Comm Ave local access road. Ended up with a sore and overworked psoas--the left one, for a change. TFL and IT band also tender on the left side, sore most of the day although some time with a foam roller helped.

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