
Sat 9/5 - double, 1:45 total

AM - 75 minutes, Staddle Hill/Burt Hill/Gunn Mtn. Road. I had originally planned a 2+ hour long run this morning, but the combination of a late start and a total lack of motivation to put myself through such an effort made cutting back a no-brainer. Right leg quite stiff to start, got gradually better by the time I reached the top of Burt Hill. The descent was hardly smooth sailing but it went better than I had expected. Right calf still quite tight. Final climb felt good, very controlled in terms of effort. Warm and sunny but dry.

PM - 30 minutes in Williamstown. Knolls-Gale-43. Shakeout, served its purpose to lead in to an extended stretching routine afterwards. Leg felt better than it did in the morning by a little. More humid than in the AM as a cloud bank rolled in. Took a walk around the old alma mater before the run, replacing entire buildings always a surefire way to annihilate nostalgia.

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