
Fri 9/4 - PM 85 minutes very easy plus 25 minutes in Walden

Woke up surprised to feel very little of the usual stiffness and soreness but that was all Vitamin I of course. That wore off eventually, plus the usual tightening that develops from being seated most of the day at work. This made for a superslow start to the run. I had been hopeful for a smoother start but in hindsight the level of stiffness in the hip and thigh was to be expected after last night's effort. In this case the hobbling period lasted a full 45 minutes. Took a brief break to stretch at this point, at a spot that typically takes around 35 minutes to reach when not in active recovery mode. After this much less pain and better range of motion although it's all relative, still puttering along. Right calf, already sore from yesterday, took the brunt of all the favoring early on. Very tight by the end of the run. Another clear sunny day but definitely a few degrees warmer than earlier in the week. Still dry though, and a nice day to be outside.

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