
Sat 8/11 - double, 1:50 total incl. 5m road race in 27:18, plus 20 minutes in Walden

AM - 5m hilly road race in Sandown. A frustrating experience, beaten thoroughly by a 48 year old man which sucks even if it was Craig Fram. First three rolling miles went by in 15:45, the last two including the most sizable uphill stretch went in 11:33 which is about what they felt like as I was running to hold second place at that point. Still tired and flat, on top of which I had abundant stomach problems before, during and after the race. Not really sure what caused it. Ran the last mile fully puckered. Still not the deciding factor in losing the race, abiding exhaustion to blame for that. Currently it's overwhelming whatever fitness I've built up. Left ankle stiff and sore warming up. Cooldown was a crawl.

PM - 40 minutes very easy in Walden woods plus 20 minutes in Walden. Got in a good stretch afterwards, very necessary as the right high hammie has become tight and sore. Need to restore range of motion there. Drills would help there, but no time for them today.

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