
Tue 12/29 - PM 50 minutes very easy

Levittown. Snow arrived overnight, putting an end to the carefree idyll that has been the month of December up to this point. Trails a no-go until further notice. Making matters much worse was the snow changing over to rain in a classic case of the dreaded wintry mix. The 1-2" of snow soaked this up like a sponge making for slush everywhere. Got home to an hour of pushing this shit around instead of taking a nap as I would have preferred. Thankfully the assistance of the CH shortened that time a bit. With sunset the temps dropped below freezing but the rain didn't stop, a fine drizzle that coated every surface and froze on them. Including any road not treated by the Maynard DPW, who as usual let nature take its course and left most roads unsalted. This made for slippery hockey rink conditions on most of the Levittown roads except for the main ones. I spent enough time on the other ones even though I should have avoided them. No falls or injuries but the last thing my legs needed for sure. The party's definitely over alas. 

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