
Fri 12/25 - PM 60 minutes incl. 8x400

Celebrated the holiday with a track workout at a random high school in CT. Warmup and cooldown 2.5 miles to and from the track. After not being able to complete Tuesday's session I decided this one would be the Deek and held myself to that. Slept enough the past two nights to make that happen I suppose. While t didn't feel especially crisp or fast, I made it through in one piece. Made sure not to overdo it in the middle stages of the workout so as to make it through the whole thing. Floating between reps now becoming old hat, not that it will ever feel especially easy. Recoveries got a little bit slower in the second half of the workout but still under 50 seconds throughout. Splits:

78.7 (46.3)
80.2 (47.2)
79.5 (46.2)
79.0 (46.8)
79.6 (47.3)
79.2 (48.0)
79.8 (47.1)
78.9 (47.6)
total 16:51

Overall time nothing spectacular but I'll take it. Record warmth meant I did the entire thing in t-shirt and shorts. 

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