
Tue 5/6 - double, 75 minutes total incl. 5x1000

AM - 20 minutes easy. Despite the fact it was a nice morning to be outside I had to wonder if there was any point to this particular pre-breakfast shakeout. Feeling vaguely wrung-out and flat.

PM - 55 minutes incl. 5x1000 (200j). Feeling the compulsion to do something of substance after last week's muddling. Wanted to do something threshold-ish, many ideas floating around in my head right up until the end of the warmup, given how flat I was feeling decided to go with something very simple and straightforward with an easy out. Good call in that regard as I ended up taking the early out. The pace I was hitting is something I should have been able to keep up for at least 10 reps but it wasn't to be. Between the underlying fatigue and the right hip/hammie getting steadily tighter it was a no-brainer to stop when I did. Wind was obnoxious as usual, steady from the NNW with gusts that had to be around 20 mph. The beat goes on. Splits, such as they are:


Flat as a pancake right now.

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