
Fri 12/27 - double, 75 minutes total

AM - 30 minutes easy. More snow yesterday afternoon, a dusting this time but enough to negatively impact footing on roads that weren't plowed and/or heavily trafficked. Which in Maynard is most of them of course. Hopefully it will warm up enough to melt it off eventually. Right thigh somewhat stiff from yesterday but better after rolling it out post-run.

PM - 45 minutes, Levittown. Held back on both length and intensity of the run this evening in anticipation of working out tomorrow. Mellow run as a result, footing improved for the most part over the morning. Warmer than it has been but still not exactly balmy. Ran around all afternoon doing various errands, old hat for most but after a couple of delightfully languorous days previously I found the running about to be an annoyance. Boo hoo.

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