
Mon 11/4 - PM 70 minutes easy

Area 51. Right leg tight and stiff, but more in the calf and belly of hamstring than up high in the glute area. Not what I was expecting. Not sure if any headway is being made with the uppermost hamstring/glute/piriformis area but it doesn't feel like it's getting worse either. Did do some rolling on it before the run which helped a great deal with relieving tension along the IT band and TFL left over from yesterday. All the same something is still off on the right side and I continue to feel incapable of doing anything resembling actual training. Downright chilly conditions but with absolutely no wind made for a still and calm evening in the woods. Enjoyed a nice break at Puffer Pond especially. Returned via rt. 27 in part to get the run over with as the slow pace made for a longer time on the trail.

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