
Mon 8/5 - double, 80 minutes total

AM - 60 minutes very easy, Cheyenne Mountain SP. After breakfast, went for a jog along Blackmer and Cougar's Shadow trails. These epitomize the trails here in general, very twisty and constantly rolling. Not a bad thing but not exactly conducive for establishing a rhythm or progressing the pace. Not that I had any energy to do either of those things, cut the run a bit short in fact. Right hamstring and calf are sore, likely from yesterday's downhill pounding. Necessitated another full round of stretching and core work after the run.

PM - 20 minutes very easy followed by drills and strides. Superslow putter around Red Rock open space trails. Extremely lethargic, feeling quite fried at the moment. The drills helped a bit to dispel that but the fatigue runs quite deep. Like clockwork the storm clouds rolled in but little to show for it. I'm coming to the realization that the monsoon pattern is the norm for CO this time of year, esp. in an area like the Springs. The past two years were the exception with the dry conditions throughout the day most days.

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