
Sat 3/16 - AM 55 minutes incl. 5k

An uninspiring performance thanks to lingering issues with the right leg. I was disappointed that my A game was nowhere to be found, not that it would have changed the outcome in terms of finish order, only the final time. High hammie felt pinched and sore all through the warmup, once the gun went off I noticed the calf, and by the third mile I could feel the belly of the hamstring tightening up with each step. As it turned out, running 5k at a mostly even 5:20 pace is about what I'd expect for having done mostly easy jogging the past few weeks. The course was favorable enough, mostly flat with a hint of a climb in the third mile but overall a straightforward out and back along the water. Wind such that it was at our backs the second half of the course. Tactically I wanted to avoid running alone or leading a pack in the first half because of the wind, of course that's precisely what happened anyway as I pulled away from the rest of the chasers. Played keep away with 3rd place from the turnaround point on in. Got home and spent a lot of time on the foam roller, can't help but feel all the rolling and compressions are dealing with symptoms and not cause of what ails me. Certainly if the leg doesn't improve soon it seems likely that the track season will be impacted if not stillborn. I had actually planned on an easy shakeout in the afternoon but far too tired for it, napped instead.

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