
Thu 7/26 - PM 80 minutes plus 20 minutes in Walden

Not the run I had planned, as the Harborthon was postponed due to an ominous forecast. A forecast that didn't come close to the tornadic apocalypse that was predicted, of course. Instead it was just a return to humidity with mixed overcast. At least the pond was mostly devoid of tourists, almost spookily so since it was a perfectly good day to visit the place. Might not have done so hot in the race had it happened, as yesterday's run was indeed maybe a bit too much for the day before a harder effort. As such started out today very slowly, still waking up for the first 15 minutes or so from the much-needed pre-run nap. Eventually got going a little bit just before the dip in the water, but then after that it was back to mostly shuffling the rest of the way in. No energy for anything else.

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