
Wed 6/6 - PM 60 minutes incl. 1600-1200-800-400

Really dumb choice of workout today. This being the one and only time to get something done before Saturday's race I got hung up on doing something that was resembling race pace. Ego-driven insecurity at its worst. If ever there was a day when I would have been well-served by something closer to threshold this would be it. In fact a short progression followed by some glorified strides would have been perfect. Instead I bulled my way through a much more intense session when already in a somewhat compromised state thanks to the recent travel and all the excursions that happened while I was on vacation last week. I certainly don't regret those epic run/hikes but I could have dealt with the aftermath better. On top of that, the first lap of the first rep was far far too fast, doing my level best to sabotage myself. Splits:

73.6/77.0/75.6/75.8 - 5:02
75.0/75.3/74.9 - 3:45.2
73.4/74.5 - 2:27.9

As in previous iterations of this session, recoveries went 4 minutes to 3 to 2. Not one step felt like anything other than a sprint requiring far too much effort to accomplish. Trying not to strain but doing a poor job of it. Quads no longer as sore but still heavy and lethargic, plus I've been laboring under the weight of exhaustion for a good while lately and not making much headway in doing anything substantial about it. To top it all off the weather absolutely sucked with cold showers that started the moment I headed outside. Enough with this crap already, it's been utter garbage since I stepped off the plane Sunday night.

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