
Thu 6/7 - PM 45 minutes very easy

Area 51. Desperately tired this afternoon, to the point that I took not one but two naps, one just before some food shopping on the way home from work and the other when I got home. Jet lagged, underrested, you name it. Paying the piper by any measure. Trying to dig myself out of the hole somewhat in time for Saturday, possibly a futile endeavor but we'll see. The only thing for it is easy jogging and trying to sleep more. Left hip/SI joint in a twisted stuck state thanks to yesterday's ill-advised workout. Spent a good long while rolling on the lax ball which helped but only so much. Breaks in the persistent overcast my mid-morning but the showers rolled through yet again during the afternoon. Just gross, although long gone by the time I hit the road.

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