
Fri 4/20 - AM 60 minutes easy

Garden of the Gods. In desperate need of an easy putter after three days of running up and down mountains. That stuff is fun but too much of a good thing becomes a little rough on the system. Slept fairly well last night even though it rained and was downright chilly after the showers passed through. Probably not the best conditions for the kind of sore throat I'm dealing with right now though. Pleasant if a little breezy weather in its wake, but at least the sun is out. Went at an easy jog with various stops to take pictures. Best of the bunch is below, nothing that hasn't been photographed a million times before I'm sure.

 this view is on sale as a postcard in the gift shop

 Siamese Twins - above picture taken in between the two spires

the flatirons continue south of the park

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