
Tue 12/13 - PM 60 minutes incl. 15x200, 400

Took a bit of a risk trying to do any kind of track work so soon after Sunday's leg issues. Happily, made it through in one piece, although it became increasingly clear as things progressed that the right adductor is mildly strained right now. Settled on what is fast becoming a comfortably familiar quasi-leg prep session with rotating 300-200-100m recovery jogs between 200 reps. Compared to previous iterations this one was noticeably slower, although it didn't feel that way at the time. Reps went by mostly in the 39-40 range, with the last two sets mostly just under 39. Final 400 in just over 78. 300 jogs avg. 87, 200 jogs avg. 59, 100 jogs avg. 32. Total time 26:10. While the chilly conditions required more clothing this time than the last time I did this just after Labor Day, it was mildly disappointing to see the slower numbers. Especially when the overall time then was just over 24 minutes with noticeably faster recoveries (80-55-28 vs. 87-59-32). Then again given where I was 48 hours ago I'm glad I was able to complete the thing in one piece and feeling relaxed and under control throughout. No wind to speak of.

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