
Sat 6/25 - AM 60 minutes incl. 5k road race

Dropped into bed last night feeling utterly exhausted. Woke up 3 hours later (of course) from a deep sleep not knowing what day it was or what planet I was on. Fell asleep again after that but woke up for good still feeling somewhat listless and tired. Hoping fervently that caffeine would do its magic but it was only partially effective in clearing the fog. Warmed up on the course and charged through that at a quick clip but still feeling the tiredness with every step. Despite all this, underlying fitness shone through at least enough to pull away from the only challenger around the 2.5 mile mark and create enough of a margin that the finish was blessedly drama-free. Overall time faster than expected, esp. given the upward-trending first mile where I kept my head down and hung on for the ride. Took no splits as they were pointless anyway. Used up all my energy on the warmup and race itself, cooldown was barely faster than a walk with various stops to admire the scenery. Continued overcast and cool temps, very sticky air.

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