
Mon 1/17 - AM 55 minutes easy

Tiger Drive to Longfellow Loop. I had planned on a longer run but I didn't plan on the left leg feeling like such garbage and as a result cut things short. Very frustrating, thought it was doing a little better after post-run exercises yesterday. Decreased range of motion and the unmistakable twinge whenever I try to flex the hip with any force. the glute/hip extensor area is involved in this as well, not sure to what extent and whether it's a collateral result of the hammie or is helping cause the hammie issues. Roads remain a mess, found to my chagrin that Sudbury wasn't much better than Maynard although the latter is still the pits when it comes to clearing side streets. Very cold temps today, just enough breeze as well for a nasty wind chill. All in all not a fun day.

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