
Sat 10/17 - double, 90 minutes total

AM - 60 minutes easy, Area 51. Easy morning shakeout, pace was quite relaxed the first half of the run. Right hip still bothersome although maybe not so much as the past two days. Not that it matters of course, the whole thing remains a mess. Nor'easter took a break, woke up to mostly sunny skies. Still chilly with an ill wind blowing briskly. Odd to have NE winds and mostly clear conditions at the same time, we're not done with the weather yet.

PM - 30 minutes, Levittown. Mostly frustrating, as the leg was bothersome to some degree throughout. Did two half-assed strides on the way in to see how much more sore it would get, not really that much but the underlying discomfort was a constant unwelcome companion throughout. Got the rolling pin stick out after the run and went to work on the medial aspect of my thigh from hip to knee. That helped somewhat. Overcast rolled back in by mid-afternoon, wind never stopped going all day.

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