
Sat 8/22 - double, 1:45 total

AM - 70 minutes, Staddle Hill to Louisiana Road then across the ridge and back via Birnam. Run divided neatly in half, with the first half being a distressing exercise in pain tolerance with the right leg twinging all over the place as various muscles were being forced to pick up the slack for a non-functional adductor/extensor. Took a break and found a stuck spot in the highest part of the hamstring, with some direct pressure the whole leg felt much better the rest of the way although the descent off the ridge was awkward at best. Fairly certain the stuck hammie is what I aggravated on Wednesday at work, we'll see. Disgustingly muggy again of course, it had just rained but again no real break with the temp from it. Sat in the river a good 15 minutes afterward cooling off.

PM - 35 minutes on the Norwottuck RT. Started out quite slowly, core quite stiff after the morning. Pace gradually increased then suddenly increased a lot more the last mile or so, esp. the bridge at the end which I hammered. None of it would have been possible had I not worked out the kink this morning. Torrential rains during the afternoon before the run, once again ensuring the relative humidity was at or close to 100%.

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