
Thu 11/27 - double, 1:45 total incl. 5k in 15:41

AM 70 minutes incl. 5k road race. A solid effort on a mostly flat course, same as last thanksgiving but 20 seconds faster this time around. Surprising result in that the right hammie was twinging after the run last night and I was dragging more than a bit after a restless night's sleep. Took forever to warmup as a result, still not feeling that alert even on the starting line. Finally came around after the first km. Moderate headwind the first half of the race but others were willing to lead the way so I was able to follow in their wake. Took the lead with maybe 800m to go, expecting to be passed back at some point but it didn't happen. No mile splits on the course that I could tell, felt like an evenly run effort though. Cooldown was just as slow as the warmup.

PM 35 minutes very easy. Shakeout so I could get in a good stretch afterwards. Very tired this afternoon, took a long nap.

1 comment:

Jeb said...

hey dude, just wanted to say nice race. i was the guy in white shorts and a red tee running behind you until about a quarter to go. meant to congratulate you at the race but got caught up talking to family, taking off my chip, and cooling down.

i really shit the bed that last quarter-mile, i was hoping we would get to duke it out! kudos to you.

later bro...